Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Ohio Success Awards Honor Gold Medal Products Co.
Company recognized as leader in the state

2019 is the inaugural year for the Ohio Success Awards, distinguishing businesses and organizations statewide that demonstrate both growth and community service. Ohio Business Magazine recognized Gold Medal as one of the award winners in a ceremony on Friday, March 15, 2019 at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus.
Over 50 business, non-profits, and government organizations were selected to receive an award and acknowledgement. However, the purpose was more than just receiving awards. The event also served as a forum to connect with decision makers on the issues and objectives throughout the state.
President of Gold Medal, Adam Browning and CFO, Craig Hudson attended the event and accepted the award. Browning expressed his sincere appreciation stating, “The value this collection of businesses brings to our state is incredible. It is representative of the rich opportunity that exists across all industries. From manufacturing to law, marketing, IT services, and more, it shows what we all share is an interest in what’s best for all businesses within Ohio. Gold Medal is proud to be associated with such a prestigious honor.”
All the winners were profiled and featured in the Winter 2019 edition of Ohio Business Magazine.