
Large Venue & Theater Concessions

With larger venues and bigger crowds come more business opportunities, as well as unique challenges, for your concession stands. Whether your stands operate in a constrained space as in a theater or open areas like amusement parks, layout, efficiency and safety features are just some of the things you need to keep in mind when making decisions about concessions. Find resources here for choosing appropriate high-volume equipment and supplies, increasing customer satisfaction and sales, marketing your snacks effectively, and more.

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Movie Theater Concessions Are Changing – Get Ideas for Your Cinema

What’s Next in Movie Theater Concessions?

At movie theaters, food is now taking center stage as a priority for moviegoers. In addition to traditional concession stand favorites, we’re finding more signature menu offerings, creative presentation, and in-house bars and restaurants.

How can cinemas navigate becoming destinations for both entertainment and food? Not every movie theater has to morph into a full-service restaurant to be successful. In fact, each location needs to determine its own identity and unique offerings.


Adding Gourmet Popcorn

A great way to start is with the #1 movie snack, popcorn! You already know and love popcorn, but it offers unlimited potential when you create custom flavors with Gold Medal’s gourmet popcorn supplies. Caramel corn and cheese corn are two of the most popular options, but you can also do fruity flavors, hot and spicy varieties, or dessert-inspired treats. The key is to try different options and determine what works best for your audience. Learn more about including gourmet popcorn in your movie theater concessions.


Creative Concessions

A second option is to consider how to enhance your other concession stand offerings. One way to do this is to look for complementary offerings. If you already have a nacho cheese dispenser, you can serve not only nachos, but pretzels and hot dogs. Be creative with toppings too, like this example of hot pretzel toppings and dips.


Simple Sweets

Lastly, challenge yourself to introduce something completely new. Gourmet fudge can give you a balance of sweet and salty snacks. Fudge is surprisingly simple to produce and can be extremely worthwhile in terms of profit margins. (See why selling fudge is a smart business decision.) Plus, fudge introduces additional sales opportunities because your theater can create packages that customers can purchase to take home or give as gifts.

If you’re looking for more concession food ideas, consult with Gold Medal’s concession specialists who can help you identify the best opportunities for your specific needs.