How To’s

Gold Medal equipment and supplies are designed to be user-friendly, making it easy, efficient, and cost-effective to implement at any location. From tips on perfecting delicious recipes to properly cleaning your equipment, you’ll find it here. Use our how-to’s and tutorials to improve your business.


Caramel and Candy Apples: A Year-Round Profit Opportunity

How to Make Money with Candy and Caramel Apples Throughout the Year

If you think candy and caramel apples are just seasonal treats, think again! Why limit yourself to just a few months out of the year when you can sell candy and caramel apples year-round? These nostalgic treats are easily made with just a few ingredients and offer appealing profit margins. Plus, you can put a new twist on apples that give you eye-catching colors and mouthwatering flavors.


colorful candy apples of yellow, blue, greens, pink, purple, red with setter sticks

A New Twist on an Old Favorite

Curious about how to make colored candy apples? If you are interested in making apples in all types of gourmet flavors and custom colors, Basic Appl-EZ needs to be in your candy apple supplies. Basic Appl-EZ is an uncolored and unflavored base mix for candy apples. When you pair this mix with Gold Medal’s selection of sweet flavors or color-only applications, the results are both delicious and eye-catching.

Here is the recipe we recommend:

To make a small batch (approximately 20 apples)

Add to your candy apple cooker:

  • 1 ½ cups of white sugar
  • ½ cup of Basic Appl-EZ #4152
  • 4-6 oz water
  • ¼ cup of any sweet or color-only Signature Blends

Stir until all the sugar is moistened, cover and cook candy mixture to 290 degrees F.

For example, you can make vivid colors using  Yellow #5 or Red #40. Bright and shiny, these apples will demand attention. These would work well as an alternative for Easter. Or make them in your team’s colors.

On sweet flavor options, you can try a candy-coated Blueberry or Birthday Cake. These are tasty additions that could be used for a flavor-of-the-month promotion.

Candy apples are low-cost menu items. Food costs come in under a dollar. Suggested retail prices can go from $2.00 and up depending on the venue, giving highly desirable gross profit percentages of 75% or more! 


Candy apple

Cost per serving



4146 Reddy Apple Mix


4005 Setter Stix


4007 Apple Bag


Total Cost



Retail $


Profit per sold


Profit margin



* Costs and profit projections are an estimate for informational purposes only. These projections are not a guaranteed return on investment. Cost does not include freight, shipping costs, or other miscellaneous supplies.

chocolate-covered caramel candy apples with candy and sprinkles

Don’t Forget the Classics

The traditional candy and caramel apple recipes will always have fans. These go-to flavors are best accomplished using these recommended supplies.

For how to make caramel apples, Midway’s Finest Caramel Apple Dip is the caramel that concessionaires know and trust. It is rich and reliable in consistency, giving you the authentic flavor and appearance your customers want. The High-Output Twin Warmer is the most efficient way to heat your caramel. (See our Caramel Apple Recipe for more details.)

For the old-fashioned candy apple, use Reddy Candy Apple Mix. This sweet candy coating is best made in the Double-Batch Reddy Apple Cooker and using a candy thermometer to ensure a perfectly cooked candy apple. (For step-by-step instructions, check out our Candy Apple Recipe.)

As with most concession foods, you can have great flexibility in finding a price that is attractive to your customer, yet still yields significant profit for your business. Caramel apples can be sold at a premium price, as they have a high perceived value, particularly if customized with toppings. Estimated average gross profit margins can be 50% or higher.


Caramel apple

Cost per serving



4224 Midways Finest Dip


4005 Setter Stix


Various toppings


4149 Apple Bubble


Total Cost



Retail $


Profit per sold


Profit margin



* Costs and profit projections are an estimate for informational purposes only. These projections are not a guaranteed return on investment. Cost does not include freight, shipping costs, or other miscellaneous supplies.

Want more Helpful Hints for Caramel and Candy Apples? We’ve got them here!

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