Gold Medal Meets Immediate Needs by Expanding Safety Product Line

As venues like businesses and schools are challenged to find ways to meet current standards, Gold Medal has responded by expanding its current safety product line to include Polycarbonate Portable Barriers and Convenience-Sized Liquid Hand Sanitizers.
Due to social distancing recommendations, stores, offices, schools, and other venues need a way to maintain physical separation. Gold Medal’s Standard Rolling Barriers have been designed to help accommodate any space’s needs. Lightweight and easily movable with swivel casters, these barriers offer convenience and portability. The panels are clear to provide excellent visibility. Two versions are available: a solid barrier and one with a cutout and shelf, ideal for ticket takers or other interactive applications. A Countertop Barrier Stand with Cutout will also be coming soon.
Hand sanitizers are one of the primary lines of defense. The CDC recommends an alcohol-based hand rub with greater than 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol. Gold Medal’s FDA-approved and WHO-recommended formula is made with 80% ethyl alcohol, glycerin, and hydrogen peroxide. No scent, perfume, or fragrance added. Made in the USA, Gold Medal’s Liquid Hand Sanitizer Line now includes two more convenient sizes: a 4-oz with pump and a 1.89-oz pocket-sized, just right when on-the-go. The complete line consists of 8-oz, 16-oz, quart, and gallon sizes, plus sanitizing stations.
“These additions reaffirm Gold Medal’s commitment to meeting the immediate needs of our customers,” stated Gold Medal president, Adam Browning. “We feel it is our responsibility to assist venues in providing a safe, yet welcoming environment for their customers, students, and visitors.
For more details or to order, simply call 800-543-0862 or visit the Gold Medal website,
Please note, as of 3/31/2022, Gold Medal is no longer selling hand sanitizer.